Tony’s Breakfast Shake
The perfect meal for breakfast or any time of day. This is a nutrient dense peppery shake that is refreshing and filling. Our friend Tony in the UK shared this yummy recipe with us.
Thank you Tony! We love this shake.
The perfect meal for breakfast or any time of day. This is a nutrient dense peppery shake that is refreshing and filling. Our friend Tony in the UK shared this yummy recipe with us.
Thank you Tony! We love this shake.
Grated vegetables are super dense and in the right combination are a satisfying main meal or substantial side dish. This shredded salad is loaded with raw living plant enzymes.
This salad creates its own salad sauce from the vegetables, as they release their juices. Raw foods, especially raw living foods (harvested recently, freshly sprouted is truly living) carry a high vibration and life force. They are energizing, hydrating and micro nutrient dense.
Peppery and refreshing: One on my favourite shakes to make for breakfast; it has a savoury flavour and a great taste.
This is a simple blend of arugula, peppermint leaves, avocado, sea salt and Vibrational Greens.
See how to make the Arugula Peppermint Avocado Shake in the video.